Tract and country-level segregation measures differentially impact 10-year cognitive and functional outcomes of Black/African American Older Adults.

Clark, A.L., ., Hamlin, A., Weigand, A., Tarraf, W., Chikkala, A., Sisco, S., Thomas, K., & Marsiske, M.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Behavioral and Socioeconomics of Aging.


The independent and interactive effects of economic stability and healthcare access on 10-year cognitive trajectories of Black and White older adults

Hamlin, A., Weigand, A.J., Clay, O., Marsiske, M., Wallace, G., Dadson, D., Thomas, K.R, & Clark, A.L.

The Journals of Gerontology: Series B.


Heterogeneity in cognitive profiles of monolingual and bilingual Hispanic/Latino older adults enrolled in HABS-HD.

Clark, A.L., Reyes, A., Breton, J., Petersen, M., O’Bryant, & Grasso, S.

Journal of International Neuropsychological Society


Integrating culture, diversity, and deteminants of brain health into the neuropsychological evaluation

Reyes, A., Torres, S., Robinson. T., Renteria, M.A., & Clark, A.L.

Neurologic Clinics


Health insurance coverage moderates the association between MetS and baseline memory outcomes in older adults.

Breton, J., Foret, J., Hamlin, A., Ortega, N. & Clark, A.L.

The Clinical Neuropsychologist


Exercise: Just What the Doctor Ordered, But Why? Elucidating Mechanisms for Women’s Increased High-Density Lipoprotein Benefit From Exercise and for the Health ABC Study

Bernier, R. A., Sundermann, E. E., Edland, S. D., Deters, K. D., Shepherd, A. L., Clark, A. L., Shiroma, E. J., & Banks, S. J.

Journal of Applied Gerontology


Age exacerbates the negative effect of depression on executive functioning in racial and ethnic minorities

Niu, Z., Haley, A. P., Clark, A. L., & Duarte, A.

Brain Imaging and Behavior


Cognition and Amyloid-β in Older Veterans: Characterization and Longitudinal Outcomes of Data-Derived Phenotypes

Thomas, K.R., Clark, A.L., Weigand, A.J., Edwards, L., Durazo, A.A., Membreno, R., Luu, B., Rantins, P., Ly, M.T., Rotblatt, L.J., Bangen, K.J., Jak, A.J.

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease


Empirically Derived Psychosocial Phenotypes in Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino Older Adults Enrolled in HABS-HD: Associations with AD Biomarkers and Cognitive Outcomes

Clark, A.L., Thomas, K.R., Ortega, N., Haley, A.P., Duarte, A., & O'Bryant, S.

Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association


Bilingual neurocognitive resiliency, vulnerability, and Alzheimer's disease biomarker correlates in Latino older adults enrolled in the Health and Aging Brain Study - Health Disparities (HABS-HD)

Grasso, S.M., Clark, A.L., Petersen, M., & O'Bryant, S.

Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring


Subjective memory complaints are associated with decreased cortical thickness in veterans with histories of mild traumatic brain injury.

Ly, M. T., Merritt, V. C., Ozturk, E.D., Clark, A. L., Hanson-Bondi, K., Delano-Wood, L., & Sorg, S. F.

The Clinical Neuropsychologist


An examination of racial/ethnic differences on the comprehensive traumatic brain injury evaluation among Veterans enrolled in the Million Veteran Program.

Sakamoto, M., Hanson, K.L., Chanfreau-Coffinier, C., Lai, M., Roman, C.A., Clark, A.L., Marquine, M.J., Delano-Wood., L., & Merritt, V.C., for the Million Veteran Program.

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.


White matter hyperintensity volume and amyloid-PET synergistically impact memory independent of tau-PET in older adults without dementia.

Edwards, L., Thomas, K. R., Weigand, A. J., Edmonds, E. C., Clark, A.L., Walker, K. S., Brenner, E. K., Nation, D. A., Maillard, P., Bondi, M. W., & Bangen, K. J., for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease


Physical functioning, cardiometabolic health conditions, and healthcare utilization patterns in Million Veteran Program enrollees.

Clark, A.L., McGill, M., Ozturk, E.D., Schnyer, D., Chanfreau-Coffinier, C., & Merritt, V.C., for the Million Veteran Program.

Military Medical Research


What does Juneteenth mean in STEMM?

Beasley, H. K., Clark, A. L., Garner, A., Heyward, F. D., Moore, E., Nelson, R. G., ... & Woappi, Y.



Associations between social determinants of health and 10-year change in everyday functioning within Black/African American and White older adults enrolled in ACTIVE.

Clark, A.L., Weigand, A.J., Clay, O.J., Owens, J, Fiala, J, Crowe, M, Marsiske, M, & Thomas, K.R.

Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring


FABP-3 is associated with neurodegeneration in Hispanic but not Non-Hispanic White older adults.

Clark, A.L., Haley, A., Duarte, A., & O’Bryant, S.

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease


Diffusion MRI tractography of the locus coeruleus-transentorhinal connections using geometric-optics based entropy spectrum pathways.

Solders, S.K., Galinsky, V.L., Clark, A.L., Sorg, S.F., Weigand, A.J., Bondi, M.W., & Frank, L.R.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine.


Cerebral blood flow, tau imaging, and memory associations in cognitively unimpaired older adults.

Weigand, A.J., Hamlin, A.M., Breton, J, & Clark, A.L.

Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior


A pilot trial of dopamine replacement for dyanmic facial expressions in Parkinson's disease.

Schade, R.,N., Springer, U., Mikos, A., Gokcay, D., Clark, A.L., Sapienza, C., Fernandez, H., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D.

Movement Disorders Clinical Practice


Subjective cognitive and psychiatric well-being in U.S. military Veterans screened for deployment-related traumatic brain injury: A Milion Veteran Program study.

Fink, S., Davey, D., Sakamoto, M., Chanfreau-Coffinier, C., Clark, A.L., & Merritt, V.C., for the Million Veteran Program.

Journal of Psychiatric Research


An examination of the clinical utility of phonemic flunecy in healthy adults and adults with MCI.

Dekhytar, M.A., Foret, J.T., Simon, S., Shumake, J., Clark, A.L., & Haley, A.P.

Applied Neuropsychology: Adult


CSF tau is associated with history of TBI and poorer processing speed in Vietnam-era Veterans: A DOD-ADNI study

Clark, A.L., Weigand, A.J., Bangen, K.J., Thomas, K.R., Bondi, M.W., & Delano-Wood, L.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring


Diagnostic discrepncy and differential associations between ratings of functioning and neuropsychological performance in Non-Hispanic Blacks and white older adults

Graves, L.G., Edmonds, E.C., Thomas, K.R., Weigand, A.J., Cooper, S., Stickel, A.M., Zlatar, Z.Z., Clark, A.L., & Bondi, M.W.

The Clinical Neuropsychologist


White matter microstructure is associated with serum clusterin and everyday functioning in a sample of older adults without dementia.

Clark, A.L., Solders, S.K., Thomas, K.R., & Bangen, K., J.

Current Alzheimers Research.


PTSD symptom severity and repetitive TBI contribute to elevated memory complaints in Veterans with histories of mild traumatic brain injury

Sorg, S.F., Werhane, M., Clark, A.L., Holiday, K., Merritt, V.C., Hanson, K.L., Jak, A.J., Schiehser, D.W., & Delano-Wood, L.

Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation


Decreased myelin content of the fornix predicts poorer memory performance beyond vascular risk, hippocampal volume, and fractional anisotropy in nondemented older adults

Bangen, K., Delano-Wood, L., Clark, A.L., Evangelista, N.D., Hoffman, S.N., Sorg, S.F., Holmqvist, S., Osuna, J., Weigand, A.J., Jak, A.J., Bondi, M.W., & Lamar, M.

Brain Imaging and Behavior


Coordinating global multi-site studies of military TBI: Opportunities, challenges, and harmonization guidelines

Tate, D.M., Dennis, E., Adams, J.T., Adamnson, M.M., Belanger, H.G., Bigler, E.D., Bouchard, H.C., Clark, A.L., Delano-Wood,L., Disner, S.G., Eapen, B.S., Franz, C.E., Gueze, E., Goodrich-Hunsaker, N.J., Han,H., Hayes, J.P., Hinds, S.R., Hodges, C.B., Houvenden, E.S., Irimia, A., Kenney, K., Koerte, I.K., Kremen, W.S., Levin, H.S., Linsey, H.M., Morey, R.A., Newsome, M.R., Ollinger, J., Pugh, M.J., Scheibel, R.S., Shenton, M.E., Sullivan, D.R., Taylor, B.W., Troyanskaya, M., Velez, C., Wang, X., Ware, A.L., Zafonte, R., Thompson, P.M., & Wilde, E.A.

Brain Imaging and Behavior


Repetitive mTBI is associated with age-related reductions in cerebral blood flow but not cortical thickness

Clark, A. L., Weigand, A. J., Bangen, K. J., Merritt, V. C., Bondi, M. W., & Delano-Wood, L.

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism


PTSD moderates the association between subjective cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in older veterans

Luu, B., Bangen, K. J., Clark, A. L., Weigand, A. J., Rantins, P., … Garcia, M. E.

Aging & Mental Health CAMH


Elevated plasma neurofilament light is associated with obectively-defined subtle cognitive difficulties and predicts future cognitive and functional decline

Bangen, K.B., Thomas, K.R., Weigand, A.J., Edmonds, E.C., Clark, A.L., Solders, S., Delano-Wood, L., Galasko, D., & Bondi, M.W.

Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association


Elevated inflammatory markers and arterial stiffening exacerbate tau but not amyloid pathology in older adults with MCI

Clark, A.L., Weigand, A.J., Thomas, K.R., Solders, S., Delano-Wood, L., Bondi, M.W., Bernier, R., Sundermann, E., Banks, S.J., & Bangen, K.B.

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease


Laterality of motor symptom onset and facial expressivity in Parkinsons disease using face digitization

Ratasjska, A., Nisenzon, A., Lopez, F.V., Clark, A.L., Gokcay, D., Okun, M.S., & Bowers, D.

Laterality, 1-14


Elevated neuropsychological intra-individual variability preditcs poorer health-related quality of life in Veterans with a history of mTBI

Merrritt, V., Sakamoto, M., Sorg, S, Clark, A.L., Bondi, M.W., Schiehser, D., & Delano-Wood, L.

Journal of Neurotrauma